Embracing the Beast Within: Buried Heroes, Age of Azuria Book One, Chapter Eighteen
In episode thirty-three of the World of Azuria podcast, Genevieve reunites with Sariel in the wild forests of Tor’stre Vahn and meets the druid Ophelia.
Hello adventurers,
And welcome to season two, episode twenty-three of the World of Azuria podcast. My name is Beth Ball, and I’m the author of the Age of Azuria epic fantasy series, which we’ll be exploring in this show. In some episodes, we’ll be swept away into the magical world of Azuria as I read chapters from the novels and stories. In others, we’ll dive into the lore behind Azuria, and I’ll answer your questions about the world, characters, and more.
If you enjoy epic fantasy worlds, immersive settings, nature-based magic, and vivid characters, then this podcast is for you.
In our second season, we’re traveling through Buried Heroes, book one in the Age of Azuria series. In today’s episode, Genevieve reunites with Sariel in the wild forests of Tor’stre Vahn and meets the druid Ophelia.
But before we dive in, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to those who have left a rating or review of the podcast! You taking the time to do so means so much to me! If your podcast app supports ratings and/or reviews, please take a moment to share what you enjoy about the show! If it doesn’t, please do subscribe and share the episode with a friend who enjoys epic fantasy!
I hope you enjoyed last week’s bonus episode from Phoenix Rising! I am so excited about this new series and sharing more of the world of Eldura with you!
To find out what happens next before new episodes are released every Tuesday, you can find Buried Heroes at bethballbooks.com/shop or at your favorite book retailer. It’s now available for free!
Let’s start our adventure!
Thank you so much for joining me for today’s adventure through Buried Heroes and the world of Azuria. If you’d like to find out more about me or my fiction, you can find me at bethballbooks.com. You can also find my books worldwide at your favorite bookstore or ask your local librarian to add them to the library catalogue.
To stay up to date with the world of Azuria and be the first to know about upcoming fiction projects, visit bethballbooks.com/join. I would love for you to be a part of my reading community, the Story Enclave, and, as special thanks to you, for a limited time, you’ll receive a free ebook copy of Aurora when you sign up.
If you’d like to connect with me, you can find me on Instagram @bethballauthor or on Twitter @GroveGuardian.
Today’s episode is sponsored by Amber Queen, book three in the Age of Azuria epic fantasy series. You can order your copy of Amber Queen at bethballbooks.com/shop or at your favorite bookseller.
If you enjoyed our time together today and would like to hear more stories set in Azuria, you can support the podcast on Patreon at patreon.com/groveguardianpress. Look for the fae and daimon tiers.
In our next episode, Iellieth and Marcon explore the village of Trudid and attempt to stop the logging of the forest.
The theme song for this podcast was created by Garrett Rose of The Bardic Inspiration who you can find on instagram or patreon at “thebardicinspiration”.
Happy travels, and I hope that we’ll be adventuring together again soon!